Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Nutrition Month Celebration

Eating instant foods should be minimized. Replace it
in more nutritious one.

Instant foods, like noodles are not so good as an everyday meal because these maybe killing you softly. Vices like smoking are also bad to our health that may cause severe diseases. Foods added with preservatives may have advantages but notice that these have more disadvantages. These are harmful taht can cause dangerous illnesses thay may serve as a poison in your body.
Vices should be avoided. Smoking, drinking alcohol can also cause several cancers that will destroy your healthy body.

But when avoiding these and minimizing using of these, and replace it from healthy lifestyle, and surely, you can have longer life. You may live happily with your love ones and you can do the things you want to do, serve your family and the Creator as well.

Be smart! Be good! Be healthy! Choose the better!


  1. nice post...
    keep up the good work....
    god bless....

  2. hi!!!!
    ocongratz 4 having a top 2 in ur claz.
    kip xafe olweyz....
